Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Day 7 - My boys

I took this random shot of my boys and I really like it.
I'm not sure I can really explain it but I just like the way there is just a bit of a smile on my boy - sometimes we don't get a lot of smiles as some of you moms of teen boys can attest to.
My boy, like me, loves to be on the computer so this is a fairly common sight as is the cat hanging out - always having to be a part of the action.
I am still getting used to my son's shorter haircut. I like it a lot and its a nice change.
Photo seems grainy to me and I am not sure why. I swear I am bringing in my DSLR to the camera shop tomorrow as I am going to be picking up my daughter and my digital calendars and the camera store is right there.


  1. It's a wonderful shot! A smiling teenage boy is such a rare occurrence! Nodding, mother of one teenage boy here that won't let his picture being taken anymore unless I sneak upon him or bribe him and lately the bribes haven't been good enough, sigh! My son is due for a haircut, too.

    Love your ginger cat, he looks like he's guarding your son!

  2. You have such a handsome boy and an adorable kitty! Great photo, I can see why you love it! I have a 16 year old sister so I totally understand getting the smile in the photo LOL!

  3. Aww this is an awesome shot. This will be a photograph to treasure for sure. You have a very handsome son. :)

  4. This is a great photo! I love his smile! And the cat in front is so cute!

  5. I really like this shot too & yep I feel you on getting a smile..sometimes it's just not that easy lol!

  6. so handosome....and I hear ya on the smiles. my friend has the hardest time of it. mine are still cheese balls, so I am lucky.

