Saturday, January 3, 2009

Day 3 - One last time before the lights are turned off again.

Christmas has come and go and I never got a shot of the tree or decorations this year so when my girlfriends were coming over I decided to have one last night of sparkle and shine.
Tried to take out the flash reflection but that didn't work so well so left it as is.

Not feeling terribly creative in the New Year so far but hopefully the mojo will kick in soon.
I am also shooting with my Panasonic Lumix which I love for a small camera as my DSLR is currently not working - can't wait to get that up and shooting again!


  1. What a pretty Christmas tree!!

  2. Ohhh I have a Panasonic Lumix also and I simply LOVE it!! Beautiful's always sad when they come down and the beautiful lights go off for another year. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Pretty tree! Great idea to get a shot of it before it gets taken down.

  4. Gorgeous tree! Ours is always the last thing to come down, too. It's still up, though.

  5. Such a pretty tree. I'm sure the muse will be knocking on your door before you know it : ) Just keep an ear out for her.
