Monday, January 19, 2009

Day 15 - 19.

Oh oh. Someone has been a bit of a blog slug. Not a good thing to fall off because it takes a lot to catch up. Most of the pictures were taken on the right day but not uploaded or taken off the camera. Oops! Hoping to be back on track this week. I wish I could say I have been busy with fun and adventures but that is not the case.

Sunday was just another lazy day with the exception of Elle that was out with Nick to his Christmas party and a movie. I spent time digital scrappingbooking as had 2 ADSR challenges to complete before deadline.

Tiffany chose bread as her photo of the day and that had me wanting some homemade bread so that's what we did - made bread. There is nothing like warm homemade bread in the winter.
There is nothing like flipping a switch to take the chill out of the house on these cold winter days and nights but this year this is more of a luxury because it isn't real cost efficient....sigh.
No one wants to get the mail on these cold days but it does make it a bit more
worthwhile if there might be Net Flix movies in the mailbox!
SNAP. Things go snap in the bitter cold and that is exactly what our garage door opener did on Wed. night - snapped. See the chain? Elle thought she did something wrong but these things happen. Was it because of the cold? Hard to know. We haven't called the repair guy but that's got to happen soon as this is a luxury I won't give up.

1 comment:

  1. Great photo's and love your posts about them. Love the contrast with the kitty in the window! Who doesn't like homemade bread - I can smell it now! I wouldn't mind a switch with our wood furnace. Sometimes it takes so long to get the thing started - great fire pic! Great inspiration for going to the mailbox, too!
