Kind of reflective today on a lot of things.
I announced to my Bunko group that I was leaving which was really big for me. I started the group over 7 years ago and had found the group had moved in directions I wasn't comfortable with. I made the hard decision a few weeks back but it was today that I let everyone know that I was done. And you know what? It was exhilarating! Sometimes its hard to let go of what one knows or what one wants to believe is good when clearly it isn't a good thing anymore.
This announcement to a group that I have tried to hold dear for a long time made me think of where I am at, especially looking at the economic struggles we are in, both individually and as a nation. We may not be able to control our destiny as far as finances, employment, stock markets and more but we can certainly embrace love to get us through. Today that resounded in me. It also reminds me to always go with tthe truth always and those that are truthful. I read that somewhere and want to embrace that concept.
So my motto for 2009 is LOVE!
I want it for myself as well as you!
I am not settling for anything less in these hard times!
No fakes, no wannabees, no clicky chicks, its all about love and trust!
And once I had time to reflect on this, I knew the word LOVE, displayed in our family room, had to be my picture of the day!
For me and for you in 2009!
*The DSLR is still on the brink and my photo skills are not that that I can play with the flash - maybe 359 pictures or so later I will know. Tips and CC welcome.